Monday, August 10, 2009

Not Me! Monday

I would never neglect Not Me! Monday for weeks on end out of sheer laziness. Never. Not Me! It's been so long since I've Not Me'd that I've never even used the cute used-to-be-new logo/link for it.

Until now.

There. Now I am with it. Whatever "it" is.

I would never forget and/or neglect to change Kingston's diaper for hours on end for no apparent reason. And I would never really wish I had a scale of some sort when I finally did change it to see just how much said diaper full of pee actually weighed. I'm guessing pounds. And pounds.

After a really big rain that covered and flooded our drain field in our backyard and backed up some water into Uncle Mark's toilet downstairs, I did not not shower for days "just to be safe" and make sure it didn't overflow into his bathroom. I'm really careful like that and very hygienic.

I would never let Kingston watch waaaay too much TV just to keep him occupied at times. TV is not a babysitter and I would never use it as such.

I also would never let Kingston drag an empty 5 gallon water bottle around on the tile and laminate floor fairly early on Sunday morning as Dad-and Uncle Mark downstairs-were still trying to sleep off the extra beverages they had consumed the night before. That would just be cruel and unusual punishment and I would never condone such behavior.

Whew! I feel so much better now that I got that off my chest. Join me, won't you?

1 comment:

Michelle said...

LOL. Sesame Street is my best babysitter and doesn't even charge anything!