Kingston says-
**Nana and Grandpa-Thank you so much for the Sandra Boynton book and the LIFETIME HUNTING AND FISHING (fresh and saltwater) LICENSE! Amazing. I look forward slaying the fish with you-you know, when I get old enough to actually fish. I also really love the 2 new shirts. I think I am going to look pretty fly in them. I love you!
**Pappy and Ms. Brandi-Thanks for the really cool handmade skateboard. It is really nice. Hopefully the wheels won't be bald by the time I get old enough to put on my helmet and lots of pads and go skating. (Hear that, Dad? Don't wear out my new skateboard!) Thanks, too, for the new book, Ms. Brandi. My favorite books 1. rhyme and 2. have things to feel. "That's Not My Monkey" fits both of those requirements. I love it. Mom also really loves the gift certificate for a massage. She really needs one after carrying me around all day! Thanks for coming to my party and celebrating my birthday with me. I love you!
**JB, Mrs. Elaine and Curren-Thank you so much for the toy gas pump! I have been playing with it a lot. I am really happy that it pumps ethanol gas made from corn. That's my favorite part. Well, that and the shape sorting compartment. I'm so glad you could come to my party. It was nice to have my friends playing with me on my big day!
**Will, Mrs. Sherry and Helen-Thanks a bunch for my fridge magnets. How did you know that I am always taking Mom's magnets off of the fridge, even if they are holding lots of papers up? I have discovered that they stick to the dish washer, too, and they even make a great clacking sound when I repeatedly drop them on the tile floor. I love matching the animals' front half with their back half, and sometimes it's even fun to cross-breed them and make things like cowpigs and horsesheep. Thanks for coming and playing with me on my first birthday. Let's play again soon!
**Mrs. Brandy, Emma and Sydney-Thank you for the fun puzzles and phonics DVD. I can't wait to play with them and watch the DVD in the van on the player that
**Mr. Pete and Mrs. Brooke-I love my new truck! Even though it hit me in the face last night, I still love to push it around the room with the handle. I can press the sound button all by myself and I have already learned to pant and bark like the dog! I hope you will come over and play with it with me some time soon. Thanks so much!
**Hardys-Thanks for the really cool tractor. I like to watch the pig poke his head up out of the haystack when it rolls. I also really love the song it plays. It makes me dance! Really. I get my groove on to that little tune! Thanks for the fun!
**Great Grandma Rea-Thanks for the sweet note and the silver dollar. I will keep it tucked away in my piggy bank and try not to spend it! You are so sweet!
**Great Godfather Doug-Thanks for the cool chair. I love to sit in it. Now you just need to make one for Mom and one for Dad. Hint. Hint-hint.
**Mrs. Julie and Mr. Bill-I love my new book about where I came from. Mom read it to me tonight before I fell asleep. For some reason she got a little choked up. All it said was that God made me for Mom and Dad and that they love me. Don't know why that would make her get teary but it did. Oh, well. I love the book anyway. You two are so good to me. Thanks!
**Mrs. Shell and Riley-Thanks for the rad new shirt. I can't wait for Mom to finally do laundry and wash it so that I can rock it soon! I think I look pretty tough in things with skulls on them, so thank you!
OK. I'm sure there are some I have forgotten. I'm sorry if we haven't thanked you. I will try to get to it ASAP! We love you all and thank you for your friendship. Thanks, too, to those who emailed, messaged, and/or sent cards. You are too kind.
Whew! Thanks for reading all of that! Eventually I will stop posting about the birthday. But it is a pretty big deal . . . :)

1 comment:
Okay....your blog has made me cry for two days! Enough of the beautiful words from my beautiful daughter and the mother of my beautiful grandson. I love you!
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