Friday, February 13, 2009

Ear Infection and Fifth Disease

Took Kingston to the Dr. this morning. (Good to see you Nurse Karen! Thanks for taking such good care of Kingston!) After being examined, the doctor said he has an infection in his left ear. As for the rash that mysteriously developed overnight, she thinks it might be Fifth Disease, which seems to be going around. Kingston is now on a steady regimen of Motrin and Amoxicilin. Hopefully this will clear up any and all illnesses!

Needless to say, he did not go to Ms. Cindy's today. And I still had to work. And Nigel had work to do, too. Nana to the rescue!!! She is the best Nana ever. She left school early and came to take care of Kingston. Thanks, Mom! You are the best. Your devotion to my family does not go unnoticed. I think Kingston had a good day with Nana even though he felt pretty rotten.

Kingston is having a late nap and then Nana and I are going to take him out to dinner. Today is Grandpa's birthday! He is usually in Miami at the Boat Show on his birthday with a friend but they decided not to go this year. Instead, he decided he wanted to go out on the town with a bunch of friends. Nana just dropped Grandpa, Nigel and Uncle Mark off at the Black Pelican to meet up with a crew to "celebrate". Yikes! Nana, Kingston and I will have a much less eventful evening, I'm sure!

Happy birthday, Grandpa! And happy healing, Kingston. Feel better soon sweet boy.


Rendy said...

So glad Kingston is beginning to feel better. Poor little man had a hard time with that left ear today. Nana was go happy to be there and just hold him. Grandpa and his friends had a fine time tonight so all is well. Families are the best.....especially OUR family!

Lauren said...

Kingston is in the cool kid, ear infection club. Hope he is feeling better today! Hope you and Nana had a fun girls' night!